Jun 6, 2017 – Radio Broadcast
May 30, 2017 – Radio Broadcast
May 23, 2017 – Radio Broadcast
May 16, 2017 – Radio Broadcast
May 9, 2017 – Jesus is God
Faith is what the evidence, and facts point to. Grace not only forgives but brings one into the family This is reality. Invites skeptic, atheist to consider facts. Hear what Christians believe, Believers use this to take over the world in love and grace. Share Truth and encourage. I believe Jesus Christ and His Word, The Very God indwells me by His Spirit. Seek the Lord while He made be found. He has left a clear trail. He is seeking…
May 2, 2017 – Jesus’ Resurrection Appearances
I Corinthians 15:3,4Jesus vindicated by Resurrection: He has all authority. He came to demonstrate that He is Lord, among other things. Jesus was dead and was crucified. It is a historically robust fact that He was raised. History did meet a miracle. Forty days between Resurrection and Ascension. I Corinthians 15 catalogs appearances, evidence, restates gospel According to the scriptures: 1) Christ died for our sins 2) buried 3) raised on third day Christ, the Anointed One, our King is Who…
Apr 25, 2017 – Jesus Gives the Gift of Opportunities
We share in kingdom business: love, redemption, forgiveness, showing grace. It is what one does with the opportunity that matters. 40 days of appearances between resurrection and ascension. The gospels and Acts verify appearances. I Corinthians 15 details appearances, not comprehensive. Mark moves abruptly. Mark 16:1-8 set up for appearances; ends Mark 16:9-20 added on for harmonization v.7 Jesus had told disciples where to meet Opportunity is to “go and tell”. Share what you know. There is no secret anymore: go,…
Apr 18, 2017 – Jesus: Risen King and Lord
Commemorates Jesus rising as King and Lord. Incarnation is incomplete without Good Friday and Resurrection. Jesus was a 1st century Jewish Carpenter born of a Virgin. He faced the courts silently. Isaiah 53 – Silence “It is finished” It is complete “Tetelestai” Why did He die? for our sins to pay the blood price obedient to do God’s will to take my place He rose because sin and death are defeated; Death had no power over Him He demonstrated His…
Apr 11, 2017 – Christ: Prophet, Messiah, King
Good Friday & Resurrection Sunday are approaching. Following the Truth. You’ll land on Jesus. Our bias is to Jesus. No good works to be saved, only faith in Jesus. He is not just an example to follow. You are called to join the covenant. Repent and believe the Good News. Salvation is by grace. Jesus does all the work, the justification. Implementation of salvation, sanctification involves doing by being the Church. What is the Gospel? Don’t let “Christians” drive you…