Feb 11, 2020 – Born Free!
Paul Trask continues his study of Galatians today, by moving into the final portion of chapter 4, verses 21-31, dealing with Sarah and Hagar. The Apostle Paul’s spiritual insights here are amazing!
- Paul surveys in some detail, the original story of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael and Isaac, starting in Genesis 12, ending in Genesis 21.
- This story demonstrates both Divine promises and provision, as well as the failings of human impatience and related actions – which have consequences
- He then reviews the Apostle Paul’s rich allegorical understanding of the lessons contained in this Genesis narrative – and which are most pertinent to the current Judaizing problem in Galatia
- Conclusions drawn by the Apostle Paul:
- Isaac, the supernatural child of Divine promise and who is free, is symbolic of Christians who are the people of promise (first announced to Abraham in Genesis 12:3) and are likewise free from the bondage of the Mosaic Law
- Ishmael, the ordinary, natural child of human will and born into slavery/bondage, is symbolic of Jews and Judaizers who have chosen to remain in slavery/bondage to the Mosaic Law, having consciously rejected the freedom otherwise provided by their Messiah, Jesus Christ
- Therefore, Paul’s concluding advice to his Galatian converts is to “Get rid of the slave woman and her son, for the slave woman’s son will never share in the inheritance with the free woman’s son.” Send those Judaizers packing!
- The Apostle Paul’s advice was completely on target for the 1st century – and it is still on target for the 21st century!
(Galatians 4:21–31; Genesis 12-21:10; Colossians 2:17; Hebrews 10:1, 12:18-13; Isaiah 54:1)